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September of 2022

Celebrate NATIONAL BALLROOM DANCERS WEEK with us. Ask us how you can participate!

Not Only are we offering a fabulous #raffle to win great prizes including FREE dance lessons, but we will be joining our Sister Studio in Salem for the parties on the 16th and the 23rd! Spotlights, celebration and memorable moments to be had.

FRIENDS AND FAMILY GROUP CLASS FOR ALL LEVELS ON SEPTEMBER 16TH COMPLIMENTARY FOR YOUR GUESTS! Let them experience what all the fuss is about - because we know you can't stop talking about dancing!

Follow us on Social for more details through the month - who knows? You might be a Star! @krystalballroomhf

1 comentario

Eileen Pacy
Eileen Pacy
13 sept 2022

Such a fun month !

Me gusta
* Community * Build Confidence * Mind-Body Awareness * Exercise * Weight Loss * Active Lifestyle * Weddings * Partner Dancing * Social Dancing * Competitive Dancing * Travel 
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Krystal Ballroom Dance Studio prides itself on providing all students with unparalleled dance experience. Our talented team of professionals has a true passion for dance and movement, and are committed to spreading their love for the arts. With instructors dedicated to each type of dance and skill level, we’re sure to meet all of your needs.

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